Thursday, August 31, 2017


Ahhhhhh, the 1970s! A time of existence that Jonsona holds close to his heart.
It was the decade that I came into this world. It was the first things I was exposed to. Music, tv shows, fashion, entertainment... my first memories. My first inspirations.
I usually have a theme to my albums.

For the 2017 records, Trollop was jazz themed. Operatic Nature Diva was nature/techno themed and Jamilla Jo will be, you guessed it... 1970s themed.                    


Really, I am an 80s kid but I also consider myself a 70s kid too and I had been listening to a lot of 1970s music while swimming in my pool this summer and that inspired the theme for this final album of the year.

Now, not every single track will sound like it's straight from that decade but the general theme is a disco/70s feel and a wink and nod to Joni Mitchell and Donna Summer.
I haven't decided if this will be my last album ever. I will never commit to that but there are times that I get burnt out and want to do something different so, only time will tell.
Definitely the last album of this year.

This will be my 9th full studio album in 3 years! It's been an amazing journey and it is what I am proudest of, of my life's accomplishments. 2017's albums have been my best work. I've grown so much as an artist and as a singer.

As the "Operatic Nature Diva" album is my best and favorite work of mine for 2017, "Jamilla Jo" is shaping up to be a great record too and the video work for the singles from this album are also going to be my best work. I probably will put more work into the videos than I did the actual album.
This record is similar in content to my other full albums but when I'm writing and recording for a record, that record generally reflects what I am feeling or going through at that stage of my life. 

And, Jamilla Jo has a lot of attitude!

But, I also feel like I am running out of things to say and create with this medium so that is why I want to take a long break from doing music and art this way, after this album, and concentrate on other forms of art and creation, the holidays with my family and other aspects of my life that I want to improve on.

I will do a compilation album for 2018 with maybe one new single and video to promote it but then... who knows? Maybe I will start painting again or maybe I'll do Jonny Poems finally or maybe I'll go live in the mountains in Montana - LOL.


I am very proud of all my work but especially proud of my 3 2017 albums. I never regret starting this in late 2014. There have been many frustrations and I haven't made one goddamned dime of money for all of my hard work (not that it's ALL about money) but I have created a diary of aspects of my life and personality, that people can see after I die one day and doing this music has been like a therapy for me as well. It has made my soul much more fulfilled and has made it grow and I will always hold close to my heart, the entity known as JONSONA.